Facility Engineering Services offer mechanical engineering services to our clients via our mechanical engineering department depending on the level & type of services required. Our mechanical engineers have a keen understating of thermodynamic principals Thermodynamics principles are used by mechanical engineers in the fields of heat transfer, thermofluids, and energy conversion. We apply these principles to power plants, heating, ventilation, HVAC systems, heat exchangers, heat sinks, radiators, refrigeration, insulation, and mechanical systems. Details of our services include:
This includes duct work design and system configuration based on careful consideration of code requirements, redundancy, and flexibility. These elements are necessary components for many types of Agri-industrial facilities. Elements of these systems may include:
• Humidifying— the addition of water vapor to maintain space or process moisture content
• Dehumidifying— the removal of water vapor to maintain space or process moisture content
• Cleaning— the process of removing particulate and bio-contaminants from the conditioned space.
• Ventilating— the process of providing suitable quantities of fresh outside air for maintaining air quality and building pressurization.
HVAC systems providing filtered, conditioned air supply to whatever cleanliness level is necessary for processing areas; and makeup air filtered to remove contaminants that can react with processing materials. HVAC also refers to technology of indoor temperature control including refrigeration. HVAC system design is based on the principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. HVAC is important in the design of medium to large industrial processing facilities where the interior environment has a significant affect on production and processing.
Facility Engineering Services offers industrial process drying design for industrial and agricultural products and commodities. Drying is a mass transfer process consisting of the removal of water by evaporation from a solid, semi-solid or liquid. A source of heat such as that from a boiler, and an agent to remove the vapor produced by the process are necessary.
Plumbing and Utility Systems are necessary for both process systems and human occupancy of the facility. The major categories of plumbing systems or subsystems are:
• Potable cold and hot water supply
• Traps, drains, and vents
• Septic systems
• Rainwater, surface, and subsurface water drainage
• Steam Systems
• Fuel gas piping
Energy engineering is a broad field of engineering dealing with energy efficiency, energy services, facility management, plant engineering, environmental compliance and alternative energy technologies. At Facility Engineering Services we apply this field to buildings, HVAC, lighting, and refrigeration, to both reduce energy loads and increase efficiency of current systems.
Refrigeration is a major consumer of electricity in an industrial facility. For example, refrigeration is the largest electrical load and is accounted for the bulk of energy related cost in most food processing and distribution facilities. Typically, industrial refrigeration systems are large vapor compression systems that mostly utilize ammonia or CO2 and R-507. These systems are prime candidates for targeted programs to improve their performance and efficiency.
Industrial refrigeration systems are generally field-erected custom engineered refrigeration systems comprised of separate components provided by different original equipment manufacturers. The individual components for each system must be carefully selected and integrated by both the refrigeration design engineer and mechanical contractor to achieve the desired performance and efficiency.
Our refrigeration system audit and planning will allow the facility owners to better understand the current state of their equipment and offer the following benefits:
-Decrease energy use and cost
-Increase production
-Improve product quality
-Maximizes equipment life and capital utilization
-Minimizes environmental impact (EPA)
-Reduces accidents (OSHA PSM)