Another specialty that we have at Facility Engineering Services is concrete forming systems. Facility Engineering Services personnel have taught concrete formwork design at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. We have worked as internal engineering staff for contractors and have knowledge of ACI 347 the standard for the design of concrete forming systems.
This is a valuable professional serviced for contractors since OSHA requires that formwork be designed by engineers or personnel with knowledge of form work design:
"Formwork shall be designed, fabricated, erected, supported, braced and maintained so that it will be capable of supporting without failure all vertical and lateral loads that may reasonably be anticipated to be applied to the formwork. Formwork which is designed, fabricated, erected, supported, braced and maintained in conformance with the Appendix to this section will be deemed to meet the requirements of this paragraph."
As part of our practice we have developed extensive experience in the design of slip form and jumpform concrete forming systems. We have provided design and consultation services for contractors and are able to provide engineered design of these systems. We are able to work with major suppliers such as Scanda to develop systems.
As part of this area of practice we have worked on forming systems for feed mills, flour mills, grain elevators and single silos for the storage of many types of industrial materials. Occasionally we have been asked to evaluate heavy lift systems to help with construction methods. Other experience includes design and review of formwork for walls, tanks, and building structures.
The Principals of Facility Engineering Services have spent a significant portion of their career working for contractors. Because of this the have a good understanding of means and methods required to construct these specialized structures.